It’s time someone set the record straight! Everyone is SO TIRED of spending money on countless Skincare Products that do not work! With claims like, “Erase scars, tighten your pores, prevent breakouts, and reduce wrinkles, etc.” Blah, Blah, Blah…. All this spending and little results, starts to make people feel hopeless and skeptical. It makes us feel like nothing will ever help.
It is safe to say, there is no such thing as a miracle cream that keeps you looking young forever! Skin is something we HAVE TO WORK AT, just like our bodies to stay in shape! We also know its hard to find any skincare products that yield lasting results, if any! In the skincare industry we like to call product claims ‘bells and whistles,’ meaning, “Same Product, New Packaging.” It is the same false claims! Most products found in department stores are made by one company: ‘Estee Lauder.’ They own almost every brand; MAC, Clinique, GlamGlow, La Mer, Origins, Aveda, Smashbox, Too Faced, Tom Ford Beauty, etc… and the list goes on! Companies like Estee Lauder put a lot of money into making pretty packaging, instead of spending money developing technology and formulating products. They constantly change packaging to give people hope that the newly packaged product is the next best thing. In reality, they are using the same formulas as before! Resulting in a vicious cycle of false hopes and promises!
There is a reason why you can buy a huge bottle of cleanser for as cheap as $5.00 at the grocery store. The company will state it has “Green Tea,” however, the bottle has 1 drop of Green Tea and the rest is filled with emulsions, thickening agents, detergents and chemicals that are not good for the skin and yield NO RESULTS! This is why you want to be conscious and aware of the ingredients you are using on your skin. If you want to know if the ingredients are good for your skin, turn the bottle over, screenshot the ingredients, go home and google the words you see on that list and their long term side effects!
Now that you have a little more insight about the “skincare industry,” heres what you need to know! ‘Pharmaceutical vs. Cosmeceutical’ products. Any skin care products bought in a grocery store, salon/spa, department store is considered ‘Cosmeceutical,’ meaning it is a beauty product intended to enhance your skin, and NOT CORRECT IT! In order to see a CHANGE in your skin you have to use a ‘Pharmaceutical’ grade product, meaning “medical/medicine” grade, which actually changes the composition of your skin on a cellular level. These are required by law, to be sold in a Doctor’s Office or Medical Spa with a doctor on staff, because these products actually have FDA approval to treat skin you. With these ‘Pharmaceutical” products you WILL SEE AN ACTUAL DIFFERENCE. Namely in skin texture, pore size, brown spots, hyper-pigmentation, acne scars, acne, wrinkle reduction and fine lines. If you are looking for a product that actually corrects, it has to be medical, not a beauty product. Side note, just because it is medical does not make it super expensive either! (Club Skin Gym carries a six step medical line that is roughly $250 lasting 6 months making it $40 a month to invest in your skin on products that actually WORK!)
Read what Wikipedia has to say about Cosmecuetical:
Consumers are willing to pay a premium for skin and hair care products that they perceive as high-performance. The term “cosmeceutical” is often used in cosmetic advertising and may be misleading to the consumer. If the consumer interprets a cosmeceutical to be similar to a pharmaceutical product, he or she may conclude that cosmeceuticals are required to undergo the same testing for efficacy and quality control as required for medication. This may allow the retailer to charge the consumer more for a product which may actually be less effective and/or of poorer quality than perceived.
Generally speaking, it is to the financial benefit of the cosmeceutical manufacturer that their products are not regulated by the FDA as drugs, because the FDA review process for drugs can be very costly and may not yield a legally marketable product if the FDA denies approval of the product. However, as mentioned above, the reputation of the product may be falsely enhanced if the consumer incorrectly believes that a “cosmeceutical” is held to the same FDA standards as a drug.